The Macromind Player file called Tempo Photoshop Magic Movie shows different effects of using Tempo macros to change an image in Photoshop.
The first series of single images shows the effects of such macros as Gleaming and Ultimate included with the Photoshop Magic macros that come with Affinity’s TempoEZ Demo, plus some more dramatic examples.
All of the images were created by Tempo macros; some of them require Tempo II Plus.
The final segment, showing the effect of a light source rotating around the image, was created by a single Tempo II Plus macro that repeats 36 times, creating 36 files. Tempo automatically adds 10 to a number in a variable each time the macro plays, types that number into a Photoshop dialog box, and saves each file with the incremented number as part of the filename. Macromedia Director then copies all 36 images into its file and plays them sequentially to create this spectacular animation.
This demonstration was created by multimedia producer Patrick Quinn of PJQ Design, Royal Oak, Michigan, to whom we are deeply indebted.
To run the Macro Treatments movie
Double-click on the Projector icon. The movie is a self-contained file and application and requires no other applications.
Note: When the Macromind Projector runs, it automatically changes the screen depth to 8-bit (256 colors). Be sure to reset the Monitors Control Panel to your standard screen depth after running the “Macro Treatments” demonstration.
This demonstration is part of the TempoEZ Demo from Affinity Microsystems Ltd. Affinity may be found at the following addresses: